Ülane Vilumets

Ülane Vilumets

  • e-Residency - Biz. Dev. Team Lead

A former startup founder herself, Ülane has spent the last 10 years building a travel platform called Like A Local and a tour operator focused on small-group tours called Traveller Tours. Her entrepreneurship experience and international sales background makes Ülane the perfect fit to lead the Business Development team at Estonia's pioneering e-Residency program, working tirelessly to expand it in our top target markets.

All Sessions by Ülane Vilumets

Day 2 Workshops 05/30/2025 11:00 am
Day 2 05/30/2025 10:30 am
Day 1 Workshops 05/30/2025 1:00 pm
Day 1 05/29/2025 10:00 am
Day 2 Workshops (2024) 05/17/2024 9:30 am