Vasile Tiple

Vasile Tiple

  • ex-UiPath General Councel

Vasile Èšiple is an experienced legal professional with a background in both public and private sectors. He began his career at Transparency International Romania before transitioning to legal advisory roles at Fashion Days Shopping and Adobe. Vasile became UiPath's first in-house legal counsel, later serving as General Counsel and Head of Legal & Compliance Automation. During his tenure at UiPath, he spearheaded the Legal Automation Program, streamlining legal operations and driving the adoption of automation solutions across the industry. After UiPath, Vasile founded Goodlegal, a startup focused on providing accessible legal tech solutions. As an adviser and investor, Vasile remains committed to driving digital transformation and operational efficiency.

All Sessions by Vasile Tiple

Day 2 Workshops 05/30/2025 11:00 am
Day 2 05/30/2025 10:30 am
Day 1 Workshops 05/30/2025 1:00 pm
Day 1 05/29/2025 10:00 am
14:40 - 15:10

Diverse Legal Teams - The Future of Legal Workforce (Panel)

Day 2 Workshops (2024) 05/17/2024 9:30 am