Itzik Amiel
Itzik Amiel, Attorney-at-law, Founder & CEO, THE SWITCH™, Award-winning International Speaker, Bestselling Author | Business Mentor, Chir, IBA LFMC, Business Development & Marketing Subcommittee. Itzik Amiel is the global leading authority on business networking, business development, personal branding & client relationship. He is a growth strategy expert and client relationships advisor to many leading law firms and other professional service firms globally. Itzik is a sought-after International professional speaker, trainer, business mentor & Attorney-at-law. He is also the bestselling author of “The Attention Switch” [attentonswitch.com]. The book has been recognized as the leading book and deep-dive instruction manual every professional needs to have to leverage the power of authentic connections and uncover the best building relationships and networking strategies.